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Churches in times of change
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Churches in Times of Change

Welcome to the homepage of the joint Nordic project on Churches in Times of Change (CiTC).

On this page you can read about the project and the participating churches, summary of findings in the Nordic countries, and our recommendations for baptismal practice after the completion of the pilot project on baptism in times of change.


The project “Baptism in times of change” is the first phase of the joint Nordic initiative Churches in Times of Change (CITC) which focuses on changes in ecclesial practice and theology in the Nordic region. In the Nordic region, the situation for the churches is quite comparable theologically, historically, and sociologically. This calls for common reflection and increased ecumenical cooperation between the Nordic folk churches.

The CITC is an important step in the realization of our common Lutheran identity. 

As a project within this framework, we are focusing on baptism in the Nordic churches. The project documents development of baptismal practice and theology in the folk churches in Sweden, Iceland, Finland, Norway and Denmark, and studies existing research, initiatives, and practices related to baptism in the Nordic churches.

Why focus on baptism? Due to falling numbers, much attention has been given to baptism in recent years. The pilot project is a meta-study, aiming at gathering and analyzing existing material and experiences, in order to facilitate joint reflection by researchers, church leaders, and practitioners.