ACC | Anglican Consultative Council | |
ACT | Action by Churches Together (KV og LVF) | |
ALIC | Anglican - Lutheran International Commission | |
APRODEV | Association of WCC Related Development Organisations in Europe | |
CCEE | Consilium Conferantiarum Episcoporum Europae | |
| (Den europæiske romerskkatolske Bispekonference) | |
CCIA | Commission of the Churches on International Affairs (en del af Kirkernes Verdensråd) | |
CCME | Churches’ Commission for Migrants in Europe (KEK) | |
CEC | Conference of European Churches (se også KEK) | |
CiD | Churches in Dialogue (KEK) | |
COMECE | Commissio Episcopatuum Communitatis Europensus (Den europæiske romerskkatolske Bispekonferences Kommission for EU) | |
CPCE | Community of Protestant Churches in Europe (se også GEKE) | |
| (Fællesskabet af reformatoriske Kirker i Europa - Leuenberg Kirkefællesskabet) | |
CKU | Center for Kirkeligt Udviklingssamarbejde | |
CWME | Commission on World Mission and Evangelism (del af Kirkernes Verdensråd) | |
DCA | DanChurchAid (se også FKN) | |
DKR | Danske Kirkers Råd | |
DKM | Danmarks Kirkelige Mediecenter | |
DMD | Department for Mission and Development (LVF) | |
DMR | Dansk Missionsråd | |
DOV | Decade to Overcome Violence (KV) | |
DSUK | Danske Sømands- og Udlandskirker | |
DTS | Department for Theology and Studies (LVF) | |
DWS | Department for World Service (LVF) | |
EAA | Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance | |
ECEN | European Christian Environmental Network | |
EBF | European Baptist Federation | |
EEA | European Ecumenical Assembly | |
EIN | Ekumenik i Norden | |
EKD | Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland | |
ELCD | Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark (folkekirken) | |
ENI | Ecumenical News International | |
EYCE | Ecumenical Youth Council in Europe | |
FaO | Faith and Order | |
FKN | Folkekirkens Nødhjælp | |
FKOF | Folkekirkelige Organisationers Fællesudvalg | |
GEKE | Gemeinschaft Evangelischer Kirchen in Europa (se også CPCE) | |
| (Fællesskabet af reformatoriske Kirker i Europa - Leuenberg Kirkefællesskabet) | |
KEK | Konferencen for Europæiske Kirker | |
KV | Kirkernes Verdensråd | |
LVF | Det lutherske Verdensforbund | |
LWF | Lutheran World Federation (se også LVF) | |
MKR | Folkekirkens mellemkirkelige Råd | |
NORFORB | Nordic Ecumenical Network on Freedom of Religion or Belief | |
PCPCU | Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity | |
VELKD | Vereinigte Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche Deutschlands | |
WARC | World Alliance of Reformed Churches | |
WCC | World Council of Churches (se også KV) | |