A Packed Cathedral Celebrated the New Bishop of Elsinore Diocese
After the removal of the corona guidelines in the churches, a big ceremony was held for Peter Birch, who has been bishop since February

Peter Birch
In February this year, Peter Birch took over the episcopate after the former bishop, Lise-Lotte Rebel, retired. The grand ceremony was held in Elsinore Cathedral on August 29. Approximately 400 people showed up, and among the participants were The Queen and the new Minister of Church and Culture, Ane Halsboe-Jørgensen. During the ceremony, Peter Birch preached on the parable of the Good Samaritan.
Peter Birch studied theology at the University of Copenhagen and at the Kirchliche Hochschule in Berlin, and he graduated in 1989.
Before his episcopate, he was parish priest in Hellerup, provost of Gentofte Deanery, and chairman of the Provost Association. When he took office as bishop on the first of February, he became the fourth bishop in Elsinore Diocese.
Furthermore, he was church editor at Kristeligt Dagblad from 1994-2000 and publisher at Bibelselskabet from 2000-2006.